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Alexandria discovered belly dance while living in Jordan in 2008. A natural mover, she has previous training in modern and African dance, but it was the earthy beauty of belly dance that captured her imagination. In 2011, after returning to Knoxville, she began her formal study of Raqs Sharki and, shortly thereafter, began dancing with the women who would go on to form Albi Belly Dance. Like her fellow dancers, Alexandria continues to deepen her study of Middle Eastern dance through workshops and training from highly skilled instructors, such as:


Aziza of Canada

Karim Nagi

Aziza Nawal

Linda Riyad




Alexandria considers it her responsibility, as a practitioner of Raqs Sharki, to appropriately honor the dance’s heritage and, as such, regularly incorporates folkloric styles into her performances. She is particularly fond of, and skilled at, Raqs Assaya or dancing with a cane. Alexandria is also proficient in the use of sword, wings of Isis and fanveil.

In addition to the beauty and glamour of belly dance, Alexandria enjoys its endless ability to push her to exceed her own limitations both physically and artistically. The freedom of movement and sensual music provide her with an endless source of inspiration. As a dancer, Raqs Sharki has given her a stronger physical sense of self and a boundless enthusiasm in performance that she is thrilled to be able to share with her fellow company members.


Alexandria performs as a regular featured dancer at Mirage Knoxville, in the heart of downtown Knoxville. As an Albi dancer, Alexandria has performed at numerous events including Boo at the Zoo, Feast with the Beast, Susan G Komen Race for the Cure, Hollerpalooza and Fantasy of Trees. It is her hope that her performances will lead more people to an appreciation of Middle Eastern dance and culture, and the history from which it springs.

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